Criteria for selection of patients for the Ibidunni Ighodalo Foundation Infertility Treatment Program
- All applicants must apply by filling out the form on the website.
- Couples who already have a child or children are not eligible to apply.
- Those who have previously won the grant are not eligible to apply.
- Couples must have been legally married without children for five years and provide evidence of such.
- The age of the female spouse at the time of application must not be more than 43 years of age.
- Applicants must show evidence of their livelihood confirmed by proof of both partners’ occupation and income statements.
Terms & Conditions
- Applicants who fulfil stages 1-6 in the criteria satisfactorily will then progress to the second stage of the selection process, which involves preliminary baseline investigations, which serve the purpose of detecting any co-existing medical pathology that may be adverse to a successful outcome or put the health of the female at serious risk, in the event pregnancy ensues from a successful outcome.
- The couple should fund the preliminary investigations, which include:
– Infection screening of spouse
– Hormone profile, serum AMH
– Semenology
– Pelvic ultrasonography
– Hysteroscopy where necessary
– Hysterosalpingography or saline sonohysterogram where necessary. - The investigations will be conducted at designated IVF centres selected by the Foundation.
- Recent medical reports of the above investigations 1-6 carried out by the couples, if within four months from any other reputable diagnostic centre or fertility unit, will be accepted.
- Recent reports of the above investigations 1-6 carried out by the couples, if within four months from any other reputable diagnostic centre or fertility unit, will be accepted.
- Patients found to have co-existing medical disorders that need treatment before proceeding to assisted conception treatment will be placed on a reserve list and attended to when treatment of the disorder is satisfactorily completed with evidence from a recognized medical personnel/institute.
- Applicants from out of state will be responsible for the cost of travel and accommodation and remain in Lagos at their own expense for a prescribed duration during their treatment.